“Celtic’s Timeless Hoops Legacy: A Symbol Beyond Borders Capturing Global Attention”

“Celtic’s Timeless Hoops Legacy: A Symbol Beyond Borders Capturing Global Attention”

“While ‘C’MON the Stripes’ might lack the same resonance and distinctiveness as

‘C’mon the Hoops,’ the unique bond between Celtic players and fans is often symbolized

by the iconic green and white Hoops jersey. Celtic’s global appeal

is not merely rooted in on-field achievements or historic moments;

it is the instantly recognizable green and white striped jersey

that captures attention worldwide.

For many distant followers of the club, the initial attraction often isn’t

tied to specific achievements or players but rather to the distinctiveness of the Celtic strip.

Jock Stein’s famous words, ‘The Celtic shirt doesn’t shrink to fit mere mortals,’ emphasize the pride associated with wearing the Hoops as a badge of honor.

The decision to adopt the green and white Hoops, made around 120 years ago,

has proven to be a historic and enduring choice.

The origins of this decision are unclear, but it is likely linked

to figures like J H McLaughlin and Willie Maley, who were influential at the time.

Interestingly, the Hoops are believed to have originated

from St Anthony’s, a junior club in Govan, marking a significant

but almost accidental transfer of the iconic design to Celtic.

Despite the association of St Anthony’s with Celtic allegiances, the reality is

that they set the trend, and Celtic adopted the Hoops, turning it into a

symbol that money cannot replicate—a promotional tool instantly recognizable worldwide.”

Read more news on sporttoday.co.uk

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