one week til the boys are back in town

Well friends, it’s finally time for another season of Guilt, and this time, we’re kicking things off in Chicago, where Max and Jake (previously dubbed Cheekbones and Softie, respectively, in these recaps) have formed a sort of peaceable, if impoverished, detente. They (not very successfully) run the bar Jake bought with his payoff from Evil Mobster Roy after season 1, and Jake’s relationship with the ethically dubious Angie is on the rocks. Despite this semi-disaster, Max can’t — or won’t — go back to Edinburgh: Evil Mobster Roy’s WAY scarier half, Maggie, is still out and about and ready to murder his ass.

Max: Anyway, don’t worry: I found us one last doofus lender who will prop up this disaster a little longer.
Jake: Suspicious. If the end is coming, you have a plan, and since you haven’t told me said plan, it’s probably tied to my downfall.
Max: That’s very rude since I live above this seedy bar and have been working hard all year to save it. If I had a better plan, I’d have done it!

I don’t believe him, and neither, thankfully, does Jake, who takes a second when his brother is distracted to try and figure out the code into the bar safe. After a few false starts, he’s successful, and finds inside a record and some legal documents, which he immediately takes to Angie. To sum up: Max has raised a heap of money on credit using the bar as collateral, and put all that cash into an account in Jake’s name. If he gets caught, Jake takes the fall. If he doesn’t, Max runs off with the cash and Jake loses the bar. A classic Max move!

Angie: I mean, I’ll say this for him: he’s really good at ruining your life.
Jake: Is he? The account’s in my name! Let’s take the money and run, baby!

Their next move is telling Max what they know. Ol’ perfect cheekbones is not best pleased, and he’s (probably, given his track record?) ready with a lie about how that money was an investment opportunity he was going to reveal once it was too late for Jake to ruin it.

Jake: No worries, we’ve got a good plan for it!
Angie: Jake, if you got that money, he’d figure out a way to take it from you. You’ve had literally your whole life to free yourself from your brother, why would now be different? Someone should win though, and that person is me. Good luck babe!

RUDE. But also so flawlessly shady that I can’t even fault her for it! She’s been like this the whole time, and TBH that’s on Jake for never noticing.

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