Rangers Supporters Sentenced to Prison for Severe Assault on Celtic Fan Resulting in Brain Injury

Rangers Supporters Sentenced to Prison for Severe Assault on Celtic Fan Resulting in Brain Injury

Two Rangers supporters, Jordan Adam, 27, and Richard Love, 26, have been sentenced for a vicious assault on a Celtic fan, Paul Connolly, 47, leaving him with a brain injury.

The incident occurred on a train at Glasgow’s Shettleston on February 2, 2022.

The attackers directed offensive chants at Connolly, leading to a heated exchange.

The situation escalated as Adam and Love physically assaulted Connolly, with Adam even stamping on his head, rendering him unconscious.

As a result of the assault, Connolly suffered bleeding outside the brain and a brain bruise.

Adam and Love pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to charges including severe injury, impairment, permanent disfigurement, and endangering Connolly’s life.

The two plant engineers from Airdrie and Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, have been remanded in

custody until next month for background reports, as ordered by Sheriff Tom Hughes.

Addressing the seriousness of the case, Sheriff Hughes criticized the violence stemming

from a football match, highlighting that both Adam and Love hold respectable jobs.

He emphasized the court’s intolerance for such mindless violence, cautioning others in

similar situations about the severe consequences they may face.

Despite Celtic’s 3-0 victory over Rangers at Parkhead earlier that night, the post-match

altercation resulted in legal consequences for the assailants.

Read more news on sporttoday.co.uk

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