Wyness, a devastating third financial charge, could now target Everton.

Wyness, a devastating third financial charge, could now target Everton.

Keith Wyness, former Everton chief executive, has raised concerns about the financial implications facing the club amid mounting legal expenses.

Speaking on Football Insider’s Inside Track podcast, Wyness, who served as CEO from 2004

to 2009 and now advises top-tier football clubs through his consultancy, warned

of a potential scenario where the Premier League becomes a “battle of the budgets.”

Everton faced charges for breaching the Premier League’s Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR)

last year, resulting in a significant 10-point deduction. While the club appealed this decision,

a final ruling on their punishment is anticipated soon.

Additionally, Everton has been charged with another PSR breach in January, indicating the

likelihood of further repercussions.

To navigate these legal challenges, Laurence Rabinowitz KC has been appointed by Everton to

handle the situation.

Wyness highlighted the immense legal resources being deployed by wealthy clubs like

Manchester City, who have assembled a team of 30 in-house lawyers to contest their numerous

financial charges.

These developments underscore the financial pressures facing Everton and the broader

competitive landscape within the Premier League, where clubs with substantial resources

may have a significant

advantage in legal matters.

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